Although I'm glad that I was able to knock out these last 4 weeks of meditating every (read most) day; I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't really get better at it. This last week, I watched a few videos on meditating to see if I should be doing anything different. I specifically decided to not do my visualization thing and JUST observe my breathing without trying to control it. I had a few chunks of time on Tuesday where I think I was completely clear, but otherwise it was just fighting to stop thinking. 15 minutes was no big deal, but it was a little harder to commit to the time every day, because I was really busy this week.
I started doing Warrior (I don't eat during the day) again. That's been going fine, but I got me off my game with the avocado. I'll fix that.
MIPT sucked this week. I worked a lot, because of some stuff going on, and never got back on board. I'll try to get it going again next week.