Saturday, May 25, 2013

CrossFit Open 2013 Take 2

Angela and have decided to take another crack at CrossFit Open 2013 approximately 6 months from the original dates.  That means we start in the beginning of September.  Our goals are to improve our scores on every workout.  The point is to prove to ourselves that we're improving at this CrossFit stuff.  We fully expect a side benefit to be better performance on CrossFit Open 2014, because it is unlikely that those workouts will be comprised of movements that aren't in previous Opens.

We don't expect improvement across the board to happen accidentally.  The plan is to work on a few key movements from now and until Take 2 that held us back in the original Open.
  • Snatch
  • Wall ball
  • Kipping pull-up, chest to bar, toes to bar
  • Double under
  • Jerk
I won't go into how these will improve all workouts.  The problem is that these only cover specific movements.  An additional limiting factor is conditioning.  We have no plan for that other than continuing to go to as many CrossFit classes as we can get to.

Because we're serious about committing to this, we've decided to publicly declare that we will shave our heads (Angela too) if we don't complete all of the CrossFit Open 2013 workouts.  There's no penalty for not improving.

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