Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 95# overhead squats
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 95# overhead squats
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
No surprise, the pull-ups are tough. I got 63 pretty solid reps (about halfway through the second 3 minute round). I didn't have too much trouble with the overhead squats. My shoulders were behaving nicely that day :) The pull-ups weren't any harder than usual, but they're definitely tough for me. I stuck to my game plan for the first round and broke them up into 4/3/3. I dropped down to 2s and 1s from then on. I did the overhead squats unbroken and broke the third round of overhead squats into 8/4, but that was pretty inconsequential.
For preparation, I did not do a test round on Thursday night. I didn't want to waste the pull-up reps, and I also didn't think there would be much to learn that I didn't already know. On Friday, I just spent about an hour mobilizing my shoulders and getting my overhead squat positions solid. I kept it really easy so I would feel really fresh on Saturday.
I knew I could do the overhead squats unbroken. I thought I could do the pull-ups in slightly longer sets, but I wasn't too surprised. My goal was to get into the second 3 minute round. Knowing how I would likely perform eased the stress/anxiety a lot.
It was pretty fun to have a bunch of friends there (a bunch of non-crossfitters too) cheering me on. On the video, there are some pretty funny comments, "Go CrossFit!". Love you guys :)
This week I'm going to keep up the intensity and up my mobility. I'm trying to clean up my diet and maximize my sleep as well. I'll still plan to run through some of the workout on Thursday if it makes sense. I have a feeling one of these workouts is going to bend to my will, and I will become the campion of CrossFits. At minimum, my abs are going to look hella sweet bro.
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